Tomorrow is my first day at my first job! I am excited and ready to have a paycheck but am sad to say goodbye to 2 week christmas breaks, spring breaks, and sleeping in. It's time to grow up- I knew it was coming sooner or later...
To celebrate my last night of being a kid my sister and I cooked a spaghetti dinner with homemade sauce and meatballs using fresh herbs from our herb garden- DELISH!!
A quick trip to Cajun Sno (home of the best snow cone you'll ever have) was also in order tonight. I have a slight obsession with ice and snow cones and I now live dangerously close to the snow cone stand. I learned that Tiger's Blood flavor is strawberry and coconut- sounds yummy... I'll try that one tomorrow. Snow cone comment from my 7 year old niece: "I wish there was a Justin Beiber snow cone flavor that unfortunately it's not on the menu yet so she settled for Wedding Cake flavor instead...
Heaven on Earth |
fellow snow cone enthusiast